Recycle it!

Introducing the Ultimate Exercise Ball Recycling Program!

Ready to upgrade to a UXB and recycle your old exercise ball? Let us know, and we'll send you a shipping label along with a fantastic super-duper discount.  (Yep, shipping costs are on you, but it's your golden ticket to the eco-party!

Channel your inner artist and cut your old ball into pieces. Look for the #3 triangle or a "PVC" identifier on the ball. If there are no markings, you can perform the water test to check if it's PVC and recyclable. Cut a 1cm x 1cm piece of the ball and place it in water; if it sinks, it’s a PVC ball.

Send your creatively sliced PVC ball to Norwich Plastics, and let them work their recycling magic! Remember, recycling is a step closer to sustainable living.

Join us in making a positive impact on the environment while saying goodbye to your old exercise ball. Let's make every workout count, not just for ourselves but for Mother Earth too! Together, with Norwich Plastics, we're creating a healthier world, one exercise ball at a time.

Visit Norwich Plastics for more information.